English 1st ESO

Por favor, se ruega leer bien estas instrucciones con el fin de hacer el trabajo desde casa siguiendo un orden y una disciplina personal, al igual que facilitar al profesor el seguimiento y la atención que cada alumno requiere

1.- Todas las tareas propuestas se harán en el cuaderno habitual de clase, a mano

2.- Habrá tareas que hay que enviar (requiere envío) y otras que no habrá que enviar (no requiere envío) al profesor, se indicará en cada una de ellas

3.- Haz una foto al cuaderno con las tareas hechas

4.- Pasa esa foto al ordenador e identifícala de la siguiente manera:

            1 (indica el curso) + I (indica Inglés) + 24 (número de clase) + apellido nombre
            Ej: 1 I  24 Rosales Antonio

 5.- Enviar a antonio.rosales@salesianas.org 





Copy the map and try to set as many towns, rivers, mountains or historical places as you can (www.worldatlas.com). You can use the book All About Britain. (no requiere envío)

TUESDAY 17th MARCH (requiere envío)


Study the irregular from "fall" to "go"

Write a sentence with every verb from "fall" to "go" in your notebook 


 Watch the video and write about you can do there (5-8 sentences) 


WEDNESDAY 18th MARCH (requiere envío)

1.- Study the irregular from "grind" to "let"

2.- Write a sentence with every verb from "grind" to "let" in your notebook 

3.- Design a poster or invitation card about a celebration (wedding, birthday party, etc). Include when it is going to be celebrated, the food, drinks, activities, place, etc. Be as original as possible!

MONDAY 23rd MARCH (no requiere envío, lo veré en el cuaderno)

1.- Study the irregular from "lie" to "run"

2.- Write a sentence with every verb from "lie" to "run" in your notebook 

3.- Make a list of food you can eat in each of the following celebrations:
 a wedding, a birthday party, a picnic in the country, a Chinese festival and an English ceremony

TUESDAY 24th MARCH (no requiere envío, lo veré en el cuaderno)

1.- Study the irregular from "say" to "sit"

2.- Write a sentence with every verb from "say" to "sit" in your notebook 

3.- Read the text on page 92, write down the vocabulary in your notebook and write a short summary of the text

4.- Click here and do this listening exercise

WEDNESDAY 25th MARCH (requiere envío)

1.- Study the irregular from "sleep" to "swim"

2.- Write a sentence in past with every verb from "sleep" to "swim" in your notebook 

3.- Write a short composition about your favourite food (100 words)

4.- Click here and do the listening exercise

FRIDAY 27th MARCH (no requiere envío, lo veré en el cuaderno)

1.- Watch the video and repeat with Andrew

2.- Copy in your notebook what Andrew says in the first video

MONDAY 30th MARCH (no requiere envío, lo veré en el cuaderno)

1.- Study the irregular from "take" to "write"

2.- Write a sentence in past with every verb from "take" to "write" in your notebook 

3.- Write a sentence with each of these adjectives:

     boring            exciting            enjoyable
     tasty              quiet                 noisy 
     clean             excellent           horrible
     strange          disgusting        surprising
     crowded        delicious           dissaponting

TUESDAY 31st MARCH (preparar con tranquilidad y enviar en un par de días) 

1.- Watch the video about how to prepare an oral presentation

2.- These are the topics you will have to talk about this term

.- sports/a sport
.- animals/ an animal
.- jobs/ my favourite job
.- important people in the world
.- celebrations/ a celebration
.- going out and travelling
.- technology/ inventions

3.- Prepare the topic healthy life and make a short video (not an audio only) talking about it (2 minutes) (you can use your mobile phone and send the file or you can upload it to drive and send the link, you can also send it through wetransfer)

WEDNESDAY 1st APRIL (requiere envío)

1.- What do people celebrate today in England? Find information and write a short paragraph in your notebook

2.- Complete the following chart about irregular verbs
FRIDAY 3rd APRIL (no requiere envío)

Listen to Andrew´s instructions and repeat after him

TUESDAY 14th APRIL (no requiere envío)

1.- Watch the video about the use of past continuous

2.- Write a sentences with these time expressions:

Yesterday at 3 o´clock my mother...............................................................

Last Saturday at 14.30 I .............................................................................

On Tuesday at 19.00 we .............................................................................

..........you.......................................................................yesterday at 18.30?

Paul and Mary.................................................................last Friday at 20.00

WEDNESDAY 15th APRIL (requiere envío del título del libro)

La tarea de hoy es sobre la lectura del trimestre. En el siguiente enlace, veréis una serie de libros que la editorial que usamos ha puesto a disposición de manera gratuita. Lo que tenéis que hacer es entrar en la siguiente dirección https://www.burlingtonbooks.com/Spain/  donde os aparecerá este cuadro, os dais de alta siguiendo las instrucciones y elegís un libro, preferiblemente de Beginners (color verde). Cuando lo hayáis elegido, por favor, me mandáis un correo con el título y dentro de 15 días (a partir de hoy) os enviaré una ficha para rellenar.
Cuando abráis el libro, veréis que arriba a la izquierda hay una lupa donde podéis pinchar y escuchar, por lo que también trabajáis listening.


Burlington Books is pleased to offer you FREE ACCESS to the complete Burlington Digital Readers Library until 31st August, 2020!


Listen to Andrew and copy the dictation in your notebook. You will be given the solution next day here

Fantastic Mr Fox
Down in the valley, there were three farms. The owners of these farms had done well. They were rich men. They were also nasty men. All three of them were about as nasty and mean as any men you could meet. Their names were Farmer Boggis, Farmer Bunce and Farmer Bean.
Boggis was a chicken farmer. He kept thousands of chickens. He was enormously fat. Bunce was a duck and goose farmer. He kept thousands of ducks and geese. He was a kind of pot-bellied dwarf. Bean was a Turku and apple farmer. He kept thousands of turkeys in an orchard full of apple trees.

MONDAY 20th + TUESDAY 21st APRIL (no requiere entrega)

See Andrew making a delicious dessert and write down the steps he explains.
Do you dare to make a video like his about a recipe you know? (optional task)

TUESDAY 21st APRIL (no requiere envío)

Write in your notebook a short summary of chapters 1 and 2 of your book

WEDNESDAY 22nd APRIL (no requiere envío)

Make a list of new words and important words that you find in your reading book

FRIDAY 24th APRIL (no requiere envío)

Write in your notebook a short summary of chapters 3 and 4 of your reading book

MONDAY 27th APRIL (no requiere envío)

Watch the videos about recipes prepared by your partners. Thank you for your participation!

Thank you, Ángela!

Thank you, Carmelo!
(sorry, I couldn´t upload video 5)

TUESDAY 28th APRIL (no requiere envío)

1.- Live class at 12.00, I will send you the link to the email your tutor has given to me 

2.- Continue reading the book you have chosen (falta gente por enviarme el título del libro)

WEDNESDAY 29th APRIL (requiere envío)

1.- Speaking: prepare the topic Animals and send it next Tuesday (prepáralo como explico en el vídeo)

2.- Continue reading the book you have chosen (falta gente por enviarme el título del libro)

TUESDAY 5th MAY (requiere entrega)

1.- Send the speaking exercise, if possible through Dropbox or Drive, otherwise attach it or do it through wetransfer

2.- Continue reading the book you have chosen

3.- Live class at 12.00 (see material for the class)

WEDNESDAY 6th MAY (requiere entrega)

Speaking: prepare the topic Jobs and send it on Monday, 11th May

FRIDAY 8th MAY (requiere entrega)

A partir de las 12.00 (ESTAD ATENTOS AL CORREO), empezaré a enviar una ficha sobre el libro que habéis leído; como hay varios libros, unos la recibirán a una hora y otros a otra, pero no importa porque tenéis una hora para hacer las actividades desde que la recibís hasta que me la devolvéis. Podéis hacerlo en el propio archivo Word que os mando, o bien lo imprimís y lo hacéis a mano, o bien copiáis solo la solución en un folio blanco y me mandáis la foto, como os sea más cómo y práctico. Eso sí, hay que respetar que como máximo tenéis una hora, nadie podrá tener ventaja y coger más tiempo.

Esta actividad no es un examen; tiene como objetivo medir la comprensión escrita en un tiempo determinado y se puede consultar el libro pues es parte de las destreza que hay que desarrollar.

MONDAY 11th MAY (requiere entrega)

Draw the picture Andrew describes and give as many details as possible. I will upload it here for you to compare your picture and Andrew´s.

Send me your picture


TUESDAY 12th MAY (NO requiere entrega)

Live class at 12.00 (I will send the material for the class)

WEDNESDAY 13th MAY (requiere entrega)

Speaking: prepare the topic Important people in the world and send it on Monday, 18th May

FRIDAY 15th MAY (requiere entrega)

You will get some feedback of the activity you did about the book

Speaking: prepare the topic Important people in the world and send it on Monday, 18th May

MONDAY 18th MAY (NO requiere entrega)

What are your plans for next weekend? Write a short composition about it. Use “be going to” and give details of your plans, reasons, etc

You will read your composition in tomorrow´s live class

TUESDAY 19th MAY (NO requiere entrega)

Live class at 12.00 (I will send the material for the class)

WEDNESDAY 20th MAY (requiere entrega)

Speaking: prepare the topic Celebrations and send it on Monday, 25th May

FRIDAY 22nd MAY (NO requiere entrega)

Listening exercises online:


MONDAY 25th MAY (NO requiere entrega)

Live class at 12.00. Prepare the material for the class

TUESDAY 26th MAY (NO requiere entrega)

Read the text A Look into the Future (page 116) and write notes in your notebook with vocabulary

WEDNESDAY 27th MAY (requiere entrega)

Prepare the topic Inventions and send it next Friday

FRIDAY 29th MAY (requiere entrega)

Send your speaking

MONDAY 1st JUNE (NO requiere entrega)

Exercises for tomorrow´s class (sent by email)

TUESDAY 2nd JUNE (NO requiere entrega)

Live class at 12.00. Prepare the material for the class

WEDNESDAY 3rd JUNE (entrega opcional)

Prepare a short text in Word about your favourite British tradition, include pictures. The best traditions will be shown on English Day on 10th June

FRIDAY 5th JUNE (NO requiere entrega)

See the "quote of the day" in the column on the right. What is a quote?
Search on the web for quotes about friendship and beauty

MONDAY 8th JUNE (requiere entrega)

Andrew ha mandado este vídeo de despedida del curso. Vamos a escribir entre todos en inglés una pequeña carta agradeciéndole su tiempo y su atención. Os, ponéis, por favor, de acuerdo y delegado y delegada me mandan el miércoles el archivo y se lo hago llegar. Thank you!

TUESDAY 9th JUNE (requiere entrega)

Andrew ha mandado este vídeo de despedida del curso. Vamos a escribir entre todos en inglés una pequeña carta agradeciéndole su tiempo y su atención. Os, ponéis, por favor, de acuerdo y delegado y delegada me mandan el miércoles el archivo y se lo hago llegar. Thank you!

FRIDAY 12th- WEDNESDAY 17th (entrega opcional)

What do you know about the Brit Pop? Surf the web and write an essay about that, try to illustrate it with some pictures and even songs!

Here you can find the presentation María has prepared. Thanks, María! 😃

Ángela has also prepared a presentation, click here. Thanks, Ángela! 😊

Click here to see Arturo´s work. Thanks, Arturo! 😛

THURSDAY 18th-MONDAY 22nd (entrega opcional)

Dubbing workshop (taller de doblaje)
What about becoming a film star dubbing your main actor or actress? Take a two or three-minute piece of film and try to put your voice in English. 
You can start by choosing a film. After that, play the film and record your voice so that it seems you are one of the actors or actresses. Finally, you can create your own film with movie maker or any other app you know